Sunday, April 14, 2019

Word of the Week 04/14/19: Aloof

From Merriam-Webster:
removed or distant either physically or emotionally

Indifferent, Unconcerned, Incurious, Aloof, Detached, Disinterested mean not showing or feeling interest. Indifferent implies neutrality of attitude from lack of inclination, preference, or prejudice. Unconcerned suggests a lack of sensitivity or regard for others' needs or troubles. Incurious implies an inability to take a normal interest due to dullness of mind or to self-centeredness. Aloof suggests a cool reserve arising from a sense of superiority or disdain for inferiors or from shyness. Detached implies an objective attitude achieved through absence of prejudice or selfishness. Disinterested implies a circumstantial freedom from concern for personal or especially financial advantage that enables one to judge or advise without bias.

From Wiktionary:
At or from a distance, but within view, or at a small distance; apart; away.
Without sympathy; unfavorably
From Middle English loof (“weather gage, windward direction”), probably from Middle Dutch (Compare Dutch loef (“the weather side of a ship”)), originally a nautical order to keep the ship's head to the wind, thus to stay clear of a lee-shore or some other quarter, hence the figurative sense of "at a distance, apart"

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