Sunday, September 23, 2018

Word of the Week 9/23/18: Inchoate

From Wiktionary:
1. Recently started but not fully formed yet; just begun; only elementary or immature
2. Chaotic, disordered, confused; also, incoherent, rambling

1. Imperfect; partial; unfinished; begun, but not completed; as in a contract not executed by all the parties
2. Referring to something which has begun but has not been completed, either an activity or some object which is incomplete. It may define a potential crime like a conspiracy which has been started but not perfected or finished, (buying the explosives, but not yet blowing up the bank safe), a right contingent on an event (receiving property if one outlives the grantor of the property), or a decision or idea which has been only partially considered, such as a contract which has not been formalized.

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