Monday, September 13, 2021

The Garlic Bread of My Childhood

 This is the first garlic bread I remember having. It isn't much, but every time I have it, it reminds me of all my favorite parts of mealtime together. 


1 loaf french bread*

1/3 cup of butter

1/3 tsp garlic powder


Heat oven to 350

Melt butter in the microwave (probably ~30 sec)

Mix garlic powder in the melted powder

Pour mixture into a 9x13 pan

Dip one side of the bread and swipe around until evenly coated

Flip bread, swipe around again

Bake for 12-15 minutes**

*The crumb of the bread seems to be important here. If the bubbles left from the yeast are two big, the bread isn't as easy to coat evenly. If you use a different style bakery roll, the results will taste about as good, but it's more worrying during the process.

** I pull the bread out when the top of the bread has firmed up.

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