Sunday, December 27, 2020

Oma's Advocaat Recipe

This is my great-grandmother's recipe.


10 eggs

2 cups sugar

1 oz of spirit per serving - can use gin, rum, brandy, or cognac (I prefer genever, or rye)

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 dash nutmeg


Crack eggs into a bowl, whisk until mostly uniform. 

Pour in sugar.

Double-boil eggs and sugar, stirring continuously (takes about 3-5 min). 

Add vanilla and nutmeg. 

Blend briefly, serve.

Stir in 1 oz of spirit of choice into 4 oz serving

2017 variant: use 1/2 tsp vanilla, 2 dashes nutmeg, 2 dashes cinammon, 1 dash pumpkin pie spice

2020 variant: use 1 1/2 cups white sugar, 1/2 cup brown sugar + 2017 variant

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