Sunday, January 12, 2020

Word of the Week 01/12/20: Dissemble

From Wiktionary:
1. To disguise or conceal something.
2. To feign.
3. To deliberately ignore something; to pretend not to notice.
4. To falsely hide one's opinions or feelings.

From Merriam-Webster:
Dissemble (from Latin dissimulare, meaning "to hide or conceal") stresses the intent to deceive, especially about one's own thoughts or feelings, and often implies that the deception is something that would warrant censure if discovered.

To dissemble is to hide under a false appearance, to deceive. Dissemble is a little more complicated than a straight lie or denial. When you dissemble, you disguise your true intentions or feelings behind a false appearance. To dissemble is to pretend that you don't know something, to pretend that you think one way when you act another way.

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