Sunday, November 17, 2019

Word of the Week 11/17/19: Recapitulation

From (D) /Wiktionary (W):
1. to review by a brief summary, as at the end of a speech or discussion; summarize. (D)
2. Biology. (of an organism) During an individual's development, to pass through stages (W) corresponding to the species' stages of evolutionary development.
3. Music. to restate (the exposition) in a sonata-form movement. (D)

From Merriam-Webster:
Capitulation originally meant the organizing of material under headings. So recapitulation usually involves the gathering of the main ideas in a brief summary. But a recapitulation may be a complete restatement as well. In many pieces of classical music, the recapitulation, or recap, is the long final section of a movement, where the earlier music is restated in the main key.

Late Latin recapitulatus, past participle of recapitulare to restate by heads, sum up, from Latin re- + capitulum division of a book

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