Sunday, August 11, 2019

Word of the Week 08/11/19: Wry

From Cambridge Dictionary:
Showing that you find a bad or difficult situation slightly amusing.

From Merriam-Webster:
1. (verb) twist, writhe
2. (verb)  to pull out of or as if out of proper shape : make awry
3. (adj) bent, twisted, or turned usually abnormally to one side
4. (adj) made by a deliberate distortion of the facial muscles often to express irony or mockery
5. (adj) wrongheaded
6. (adj) cleverly and often ironically or grimly humorous 
Middle English wrien, from Old English wrigian to turn; akin to Middle High German rigel kerchief wound around the head, Greek rhiknos shriveled, Avestan urvisyeiti he turns

adj. use of wry to twist, Middle English wryen, Old English wrīgian to go, strive, tend, swerve; cognate with Dutch wrijgen to twist; akin to Old English wrigels, Latin rīcula veil, Greek rhoikós crooked

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