Saturday, January 1, 2022

Shouting Hollowly into the Void - 2021 wrap-up

 This is the fifteenth year of the death list, which is a sort of anniversary I suppose. Every year I look over my running list of celebrity passings, scan wikipedia for a few nights to confirm I didn't miss too many, and put it all together. I've been doing this long enough now that friends send me notice when someone famous dies, as do coworkers. It feels a little more pointless this year, and I'm not sure why. It may be the general feeling I've had recently, where every goal is put on hold, and I keep putting one foot in front of the other. I can't help feeling that every time I react emotionally to a stimulus, it's an act, and I can view it objectively while still responding in an expected way. I guess I'm maintaining. So as we enter this, our fourth year of pandemic, I adjure you all to do your best to stay healthy; I knew several people on this list personally.

Bret Hoekema
Siegfried Fischbacher
Phil Spector
Hank Aaron
Larry King
Dustin Diamond
Christopher Plummer
Larry Flynt
Chick Corea
Rush Limbaugh