Friday, January 1, 2021

Balance Every Joy with a Grief - 2020 wrap-up

 How do I start talking about the last year? The surrealistic dread that hovered above me like a guilt-complex. The death of a patriarch. The death of a friend. The threat implied in breathing the air near another person. The unpaid, unqualified, un-asked for frustrations of at-home learning. The concern that cherished watering-holes might dry up before the rains come back. The irritation generated by a demagogue, a charlatan, a spiteful child. The tears shed over being unable to break bread with friends and family.

It is not without relief that I await the final moments of a year I failed to predict. Yet hope rises in my soul. A low bar is not as hard to surmount. Maybe this year will be better. 

Here's the list of lists I've spent all year accomplishing, accumulating and collating, starting with a list of subjectively notable deaths.

Neil Peart
Sean Reinert
Christopher Tolkien
Terry Jones