Thursday, January 4, 2018

Stroopwafels, or How to Make Friends

- Yield: 6 dozen
- Requires 4 hours 


Stage 1 Ingredients (Yeast Mixture):
1 cup             warm water (80-100deg F)
1/2 cup           sugar
1 1/2  tbsp     dry yeast

Stage 2 Ingredients (Dough pt I):
1 lb (4 sticks) soft butter - about 15 seconds per stick in the microwave from fridge temp
1 tsp              cinnamon
1/2 cup           white Karo syrup
2                    eggs
1 dash           salt

Stage 3 Ingredients (Dough pt II):
8 cups           flour

Stage 4 Ingredients (Stroop/Syrup):
1/2 lb             butter
1 1/2 cup       brown sugar
1 jar (11oz)    Lyle's syrup
1 tsp              cinnamon


Stage 1
Mix ingredients together in small bowl, set aside. Use a large enough container that will leave room for the yeast to expand. 

Stage 2
Mix ingredients together in stand mixer

Stage 3
Add yeast mixture to stand mixer bowl, continue mixing
Add flour, continue mixing
Let set for one hour
Roll into walnut size balls
Press in pre-heated waffle cone iron (each waffle takes 45-75sec depending on size and where the iron is in its heat cycle)
Cut edges with cookie cutter 
Use knife point to separate layers of each waffle, then run knife through each the long direction

Stage 4
Melt ingredients together, bring to a boil. Boil for three minutes. Spread approximately one tablespoon of syrup on each waffle. Press together gently. Waffles can be placed in the freezer to harden the stroop.